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About Us

StockX Verified Authenticity

Every product we sell will go through strict multiple appraisals by our appraisal experts.


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transparent price

Our real-time trading market has transparent prices, where you can view, buy, and sell all the most limited products at the most fair prices.


Global direct delivery

Whether it's an early release, region-only or "sold out" style - our millions of users in 200 countries around the world make it easy to find any hard-to-find style.

We take care of all your troubles

No hassles to worry about, no photos to take, no description lines to rack your brains, and no back and forth between you and the seller or buyer. We'll take care of all of this for you.


We have always maintained the security and integrity of our platform and have always maintained a leading position. Our security and risk control systems are supported by world-class partners, and your personal information will be covered 24/7.

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for your sake

Our help center , chat window and global customer service staff ensure that we can help you solve all problems at any time.

Our helpful customer service team will do their best to make shopping a pleasant experience for you.If you need our help, you can email us at shoesoffs@outlook.com
